Invisalign For Adults



Are you ready for a smile transformation but looking for a more aesthetic alternative to traditional braces? Look no further than Invisalign Clear Aligners! The Invisalign system uses removable, virtually invisible aligners that straighten your teeth using a series of trays. These trays are made of clear, medical grade plastic, so they’re discreet and allergen friendly. You’ll change your trays out about every two weeks to encourage continual tooth movement. One of our adult patients’ most loved Invisalign features is they’re removable, so you can take them out to eat, brush and floss, and for occasional social events. Just aim to wear your aligners for about 22 hours a day to keep your treatment progress on track!

Easily Removable

Invisalign Clear Aligners are easily removable, providing our patients with a convenient and effective treatment option.

Virtually Invisible

Invisalign is virtually invisible, so your journey to a new smile won’t alter your appearance with metal brackets and wires.

No Emergency Visits

Invisalign’s simple tray design means you don’t have to worry about a fallen bracket sending you in for an emergency visit.


Invisalign allows you to see your predicted movement, so our doctors instantly know if your treatment gets off track.

Expert Invisalign Providers

At Apple Creek Orthodontics, our entire team is dedicated to excellence in all that we do. Because we pride ourselves in our excellence, we work hard to provide the best treatment options paired with expert knowledge. Dr. Tomassetti and Dr. Eichholz stand at the forefront of Invisalign expertise and guide the rest of our team to excellence. They have earned a reputation as expert Invisalign providers and are ready to give your family a great Invisalign experience and even better new smiles. Their intricate understanding of the Invisalign system and their dedication to utilizing the latest Invisalign technology allows them to craft unique treatment plans catered to each patient!


Treatment Steps


Meet With Applecreek Ortho

Your first step to starting your Invisalign treatment journey is to meet with our Apple Creek Orthodontics team. You can come into our office for your complimentary consultation, or start with a virtual assessment before coming in to receive your treatment plan from Dr. Tomassetti and Dr. Eichholz.


Get your treatment Plan

Our team then uses all of the information they gathered during your consultation to create a perfect treatment plan for you. Once Dr. Tomassetti and Dr. Eichholz find the best treatment solutions for you, they turn it over to you so you can ask any questions you may have about the treatment process and the financial side of treatment.


Wear Your Aligners

Now that our team has gathered images, taken scans, and created your treatment plan for you, it’s time for you to do your part. All you have to do now is wear your aligners and let them work their magic. Aim to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day so your treatment stays on track.

patient speaking and laughing with team member

Be Confident. Smile!

It’s finally time to retire your clear aligners and show off your new smile! All of your hard work and dedication to your treatment has paid off, and now you have a radiant and beautiful smile to share with the world. Our office will provide you with a retainer to wear nightly in order to preserve your smile, so you can keep that dream smile forever.

FAQ About Invisalign

Invisalign is an innovative and modern orthodontic treatment tool designed to straighten teeth and enhance smiles without using traditional metal braces. Instead of metal brackets and archwires, Invisalign Clear Aligners use a series of removable plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. These aligners are virtually invisible, and are custom made to fit each tooth, for a more discreet and comfortable treatment option. In order for your Invisalign treatment to stay on track, you should aim to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day. You’ll change your aligners out about every two weeks until treatment is over, which means less visits to our Apple Creek office! Invisalign is a treatment option that is discreet, comfortable and convenient!

Invisalign is a super effective and comfortable treatment option, which our patients love! Invisalign Clear Aligners straighten your teeth by gently applying gradual pressure to each tooth, encouraging their movement into the correct position. These aligners are custom made to hug each of your teeth perfectly, creating a smooth and comfortable fit. Under the guidance of Dr. Tomassetti and Dr. Eichholz, you will change your trays about every two weeks, gradually encouraging more movement until you reach your final tray, revealing your dream smile!

Another perk about Invisalign is the convenience it offers our busy patients. While there is no set number of weeks every patient waits in between appointments, the average time span is four to six weeks. But, some of our patients experience even more convenience by utilizing our virtual appointment opportunities. At Apple Creek, our clear aligner patients can use AC Go, our virtual monitoring system that allows patients to scan their smiles and receive feedback from our doctors, all from the comfort of their own home! Using our virtual monitoring app means even less in office treatment visits and more time focusing on your priorities.

Wearing traditional metal braces is pretty noticeable for those around you, but, one of the best perks about Invisalign clear aligners is that they are virtually invisible! Clear aligners are our most discreet and aesthetic treatment option, making them the perfect choice for our adult patients. Invisalign gives you the freedom to remove your trays during meals, to brush and floss, and for occasional social events, so some people will truly never know you’re receiving treatment! With Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about brackets or wires changing your appearance, but you still get to enjoy your dream smile when treatment is complete.

Another great Invisalign perk is there are minimal dietary restrictions, especially compared to the restrictions of traditional metal braces. Since these clear aligners are removable, you can take them out during meal times and enjoy all your favorite foods! You don’t have to worry about damaging your wire or breaking a bracket, simply remove your aligners and place them in their case. It’s important to maintain your oral health during treatment, because excess food particles and bacteria can impact the progress of treatment. 

Brush and floss after your meal and put your aligners back in so they can work their magic!

Another great Invisalign perk is there are minimal dietary restrictions, especially compared to the restrictions of traditional metal braces. Since these clear aligners are removable, you can take them out during meal times and enjoy all your favorite foods! You don’t have to worry about damaging your wire or breaking a bracket, simply remove your aligners and place them in their case. It’s important to maintain your oral health during treatment, because excess food particles and bacteria can impact the progress of treatment. 

Brush and floss after your meal and put your aligners back in so they can work their magic!

Dr. Tomassetti & Dr. Eichholz in Appleton WI - Applecreek Orthodontics



Have you been thinking about embarking on your orthodontic treatment journey leading you to your dream smile? If so, call our office today to set up your in-person or virtual, complimentary consultation. Our team understands how difficult choosing an orthodontist can be, but we also know when you choose Apple Creek Orthodontics, you’re choosing orthodontic excellence. Call our office today at (920) 738-7600 if you’re ready to achieve your dream smile, and we’ll answer any questions you may have about our practice. We can’t wait for you to join the Apple Creek Orthodontics family!